All Episodes
86. Why Eating a Whole Foods Diet just isn't Enough!
In this Episode we are going to discuss why eating a whole foods diet just isn't enough to have optimized Health!
In this episode we will discuss:
Depleted Soil Quality
Bioavailability Issues
Individual Nutrient...
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85. How Gluten Affects your Gut and Your Body!
In this Episode we are going to discuss how Gluten Affects your Gut and Your Body!
This was a previous episode we recorded, but so many people don't understand the problems with gluten! So after this episode you will...
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84. Welcome to the LabFit Podcast, are you ready for a change?
Welcome to the official rebrand of the LabFit Podcast!
In this episode we are going to discuss the 3 most effective tips I have found that help people with making lasting change and having results that actually...
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83. The 6 Mistakes people make with Gut Health!
What's up Friend! In this episode we are going to go 6 Mistakes people make with gut health (so that you don't make the same!)
We are offering a sweet promo for the month of June for running a GI-Map Test!
You can...
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82. Why being CURIOUS with your Nutrition is Key!
HELLO BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE! It has been a hot minute since we dropped an episode!
In today's episode we are going to discuss, why being curious and not dogmatic with your nutrition and really anything in life, IS key to...
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81. How to not feel "Behind" and BE more present
In this episode we go over:
how to not feel "behind"
steps you can take to be more present and not go unconscious
the 2 part of the mind and the first step to changing your pattern
Haven’t left a review yet? All you...
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80. Running one lab with with a naturopathic doctor, won't transform your health
This week's episode we are going to discuss why transforming your health does NOT comes from running 1 lab and making 1 visit to the doctors office.
In the episode we go over:
How lasting transformation ACTUALLY...
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79. You Can't Exercise out a Gut Infection
This week's episode we are going over the complex beautiful, premium organ YOUR GUT!
And often when people want to improve their health they focus on 2 elements.
Diet & Exercise. Both are very important, but if...
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78. Who's Ready to start 2024 off with a BANG!?
Welcome to 2024! In this episode we are going to go over a very simple exercise for you to do to map out your intention for 2024!
If you are wanting to optimize your health - it ALL begins in the GUT!
Check out Gut...
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77. My 10 Year Healing Journey
This week's episode I share my 10 year healing journey. With dieting, exercise, trial and error and focusing on the wrong things! And how following a specific framework and running functional labs was the missing...
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76. Get Answers to your Symptoms with Just a Small Piece of Hair!
Learn how a small piece of Hair can provide answers to frustrating symptoms!
In this episode we discuss
HTMA (Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis Test)
How Mineral Ratios are linked to various systems in the bodyÂ
Why so...
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75. The Difference between a Food Allergy, Sensitivity and Intolerance
In this episode we explain the difference between a food allergy, sensitivity and intolerance and how there is one specific area of the body we must pay attention to!
Want to learn how stress affects all your...
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