Say GOOD-BYE to Generic Health Advice!

OPTIMIZE Your Energy, Brain Power and Body Composition in the first 30 Days with Data-Driven Programming!

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Say GOOD-BYE to Generic Health Advice!

OPTIMIZE Your Energy, Brain Power and Body Composition in the first 30 Days with Data-Driven Programming!

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Step into the New Era of HEALTH OPTIMIZATION: Break Free from Outdated Health Norms!

Ever found yourself navigating through the complex world of nutrition and health, wholeheartedly dedicated to enhancing your well-being, only to encounter frustration, burnout, and minimal results?

It's time to part ways with the generic, one-size-fits-all approach! That merely raises more questions, than answers and falls short of effectively addressing your primary health concerns.

Through cutting-edge functional lab testing, we uncover the nuances of your body's unique needs, exposing nutritional deficiencies, hormonal imbalances, gut issues and more!

Let's craft a personalized plan tailored specifically to YOU — a roadmap to lasting health and genuine transformation!

Our 3-Part Framework to Optimize Your Health

LifeStyle Reboot 

Having your Nutrition Dialed in is FOUNDATIONAL,  but making sure that you have a customized plan that suits your lifestyle and metabolic needs is key!

Nutrition is the most crucial aspect for boosting brain function, having rockstar energy, preventing disease and supporting multiple systems in the body!


No more guesswork or generic advice — our approach is all about addressing the underlying imbalances that impact your health!

Instead of merely managing symptoms, Functional lab Testing allows you to understand the root causes of your health concerns.


Biohacking involves the exploration of innovative strategies to enhance health and performance, spanning various aspects of everyday life.

From optimizing water intake, to sleep recovery, purifying air quality, to exercising more efficiently (and more) biohacking seeks to fine-tune your inner and outer environments for Health OPTIMIZATION

Watch the Training!

Hi I'm Marja Chow! 

Your go-to-source for all things Health and Wellness!

I'm a dog loving, gym junkie, chocolate eating, Registered Holistic Nutritionist (RHN), Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P) and a Personal Trainer!

I help high performing business professional get to the root causes of their symptom, so that they can stop wasting time and FEEL and look like their most productive selves!

I also transform women into fat fuelled females, to boost brain function, balance hormones and keep the pounds off for good!

More about me










The Fat Fuelled Female Podcast

Is designed to help ambitious women thrive on a low carb high fat lifestyle! 

Tune in each week for the best tools and nutritional strategies for becoming fat adapted, boosting confidence, improving your fitness, enhancing your mindset, so that YOU can take inspired action and overcome obstacles that may be preventing you from living your best life and getting the health you deserve!


FOLLOW ME @marjachow on the 'GRAM'